Saturday, November 04, 2006

One more week, and I'm going home!

I can't believe that my masters are taking me home in only 6 days! I've grown to be almost twice as big as when I was 5 weeks old. My coat is still growing out straight, blond, and beautiful.

Today I had double the amount of energy as I had last week. Instead of passing out after one hour, I was playing around for almost 2 hours straight. At one point, when playing with Laura, I mouthed her arm for a second and then - "OWWWWWWW!" - she screamed so loud that I fell backwards on my butt and didn't know what to do with myself. I felt really bad that I had hurt her with my bite, so I sat on the ground, crying and whimpering out of sadness for what I had done. They put me in "time out" for a whole 30 seconds during which time they didn't look at or play with me. After that, I never mouthed her like that again. I'm a fast learner, and I have a good heart -- I don't want to hurt my masters.

Today I was given a new treat called a puppy cookie. They were little tasty biscuits, that are supposedly good for me. They fed me four little cookies over the course of two hours. At the end of the day, I had a serious case of the hershey squirts and after that I blew chunks everywhere. I tried to clean up the mess (you know, eat it back up), but my masters wouldn't let me.

I must say, I'm a very good looking dog. My hair is better than a poodle's, and better than a lab's. I'm the best of both worlds. Check me out.

Anyway, there's many more pictures of me, Teddy the Labradoodle, here.

Stay tuned for next week, when I join my new pack in an apartment dwelling!

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